Object: Compression

under Compression {
    ComputePOD = computepod-flag;
    PODMethod = podmethod-id;
    MinBasisSize = minbasissize-int;
    MaxBasisSize = maxbasissize-int;
    MaxEnergyRetained = maxenergyretained-real;
    SingularValueTolerance = singvaltolerance-real;


computepod-flag [False]:
This flag controls whether to perform POD computations for a set of snapshots.

Compute the POD and construct one or potentially more ROBs.

No POD computations are performed.

podmethod-id [ScalapackSVD]:
Controls which algorithm to use when computing the POD.

ScaLAPACK's SVD solver is employed for POD. This method requries compilation with the ScaLAPACK libraries.

An R-SVD algorithm based on first computing a QR decomposition followed by a serial SVD is employed.

minbasissize-int [1]:
Minimum number of vectors to retain after computing the POD. If minbasissize-int is larger than the number of columns in the snapshot matrix, that number is used instead.

maxbasissize-int [–]:
Maximum number of vectors to retain after computing the POD.

maxenergyretained-real [1.0]:
Singular value energy threshold for specifying the number of POD vectors to retain.

singvaltolerance-real [MachinePrecision]:
Alternative stopping criterion to determine how many POD vectors to retain.