Object: NonlinearROM

under NonlinearROM { ... }
    Prefix = prefix-str;
    StateVector = statevector-str;
    ResidualVector = residualvector-str;
    Frequency = frequency-int;
    OutputResidualSnapshotData = outputresidualsnapshotdata-flag;
    ReducedCoordinates = reducedcoordinates-str;
    ReducedResidual = reducedresidual-str;


prefix-str []:
String that is prefixed to all nonlinearROM output file names.

statevector-str []:
Name of the binary file containing the state vector snapshots collected from a high-dimensional AERO-F simulation. These state snapshots are stored in nondimensional, conservative form. This is relevant when Problem.Type = Steady, Unsteady, AcceleratedUnsteady, or Forced.

residualvector-str []:
Name of the binary file containing the residual vector snapshots generated for purpose hyperreduction training. For ECSW, these are blocks of the nodal contribution to the projected nonlinear residual. For GNAT or least-squares collocation hyperreduction, these are vectors of the nodal contributions to the full-dimensional nonlinear residual. This is relevant when Problem.Type = NonlinearRomPreProcessing and NonlinearRomPreprocessing.ConstructReducedMesh.GenerateTrainingData = True.

frequency-int [0]:
The frequency (every so many time-iterations) at which snapshot files are written. If the frequency is set to zero, a snapshot file is written to disk at the last time-iteration. When the frequency is set to a nonzero value, the snapshots are also written at the last time-iteration.

outputresidualsnapshotdata-flag [False]:
This flag controls the writing to disk of auxiliary quantities used to construct residual training snapshots for constructing a hyperreduced ROM. These files are placed in the same location as specified by statevector-str with certain hard-coded suffixes and are read subsequently during a simulation when Problem.Type = NonlinearRomPreprocessing.

In this case, the auxiliary information is written to disk.

In this case, the auxiliary information is not written to disk.

reducedcoordinates-str []:
Name of the ASCII file written during an online ROM simulation which contains a set of reduced coordinates for every time-step, as well as cluster information. This can be used for any online ROM simulation but is required later as input for the postprocessing of a hyperreduced ROM simulation.

reducedresidual-str []:
Name of the ASCII file written during an online ROM simulation which contains the projected residual $W^T r$ from the final Newton iteration of each time-step, as well as cluster information.