Due to the large number of files required for nonlinear ROM simulations, this object seeks to streamline the process for the user by limiting the amount of filenames to specify at each stage of the offline and online process. Furthermore, for nonlinear ROM simulations, many files are used as both inputs and outputs depending on the stage and thus do not necessarily belong under the Input or Output objects uniquely.
prefix-str []:
String that is prefixed to topleveldirectory-str.
topleveldirectory-str []:
Name of the top level directory for the nonlinear ROM filesystem.
clusterdirectory-str []:
Prefix for all cluster directories which are subdirectories of topleveldirectory-str.
AERO-F will automatically append a unique integer identifier for each separate cluster directory.
numclusters-int [1]:
Number of piecewise affine, local subspace approximations to construct.
The choice NumClusters = 1 indicates a global subspace approximation.
dubplicatesnaps-flag [False]:
This flag controls whether or not to duplicate the original snapshot files after clustering.
Duplicate original snapshot files, organizing them by cluster.
Do not duplicate original snapshot files, instead writing to disk a mapping of the storage location on disk of each snapshot for each cluster.
stateprefix-str []:
Prefix for all files generated related to the state snapshots and subspace approximation, including potentially multiple ROBs.
residualprefix-str []:
Prefix for all files generated related to the residual ROB.
Only relevant for GNAT and possibly least-squares collocations hyperreduced ROMs.
reducedmeshprefix-str []:
Prefix for all files generated related to the reduced mesh and online hyperreduced ROM computations.
statebasis-str []:
Name of the binary file containing the state ROB.
In general, statebasis-str only needs to be specified for an online hyperreduced ROM simulation, where it should contain the name of the files generated by SOWER corresponding to the sampling of the high-dimensional state ROBs on the reduced mesh.
statebasisref-str []:
Name of the binary file containing the affine offsets for each state ROB.
Similar to statebasis-str, statebasisref-str only needs to be specified for an online hyperreduced ROM simulation, where it should contain the name of the files generated by SOWER corresponding to the sampling of the high-dimensional affine offsets on the reduced mesh.
gnatmatrix-str []:
Name of the binary file containing the gappy POD matrix for online hyperreduced ROM simulations using the GNAT hyperreduction method.
This file is the generated by SOWER corresponding to the reduced mesh.